
1、认真的人,最可怜 , 动心的人,最可悲 。
Serious people, the most pitiful, moving people, the most pathetic.
2、男人有钱容易变得自大 , 女人有钱容易变得强势 。
Men with money tend to be arrogant, women with money tend to become strong.
3、每当摩天轮转动一圈,世界就是多一对幸福恋人 。
Every time the ferris wheel turns, the world is a couple of happy lovers.
4、你若离开,心跳会停 , 面无表情 。
If you leave, your heart will stop and your face will be expressionless.
5、我不怕万人阻挡,我只怕自己投降 。
Im not afraid of being stopped by ten thousand people. Im only afraid of surrendering myself.
6、我肝肠寸断 , 竟换不回你的一点喜欢 。
【简单唯美的英语句子】Im so heartbroken that I cant get back your little love.
7、如果过去还残留让时间,来做一个记号 。
If theres still time left in the past, lets make a mark.
8、即使你的嘴唇在笑,你的瞳仁却没有办法笑 。
Even if your lips are smiling, your pupils cant smile.
9、既然不能好好跟我一生,就不要辜负青春 。
Since you cant live up to my life, dont let down your youth.
10、从相识到陌路 , 我们最终走到缘分的岔路口 。
From acquaintance to stranger, we finally come to the fork of fate.
