1、整体印象类评语 Super! Excellent! Perfect! Wonderful. Fantastic. Marvelous. 采用整体印象类评语对于高中起始阶段的学生有较好的激励作用,但若千篇一律德使用此类评语,就会使学生无法正确认识自己的写作水平,最终导致教师的评语失去应有的作用 。
【英语评语】2、规范导知类评语 Beautiful. Clear. Wonderful. Good hand-writing. You' er careful of using pronounciation. Glad to see your improvement in handwriting. I' m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. YOu' d better pay more attention to word order. Better be more careful of your spelling. It' s important to compose a draft beforhand.
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