
1、不合适就是穷,没感觉就是丑,一见钟情就是好看 , 深思熟虑就是有钱 , 这就是现实 。
【比较有深意的英文句子】Not suitable is poor, not feeling is ugly, love at first sight is good-looking, deliberation is rich, this is the reality.
2、他若喜欢你,你脾气再大都叫个性,他若不喜欢你,就算你温顺的像只猫,他都嫌你掉毛 。
If he likes you, most of your temper is called personality. If he doesnt like you, even if you are gentle like a cat, he will dislike your hair loss.
3、自己想要的东西,要么奋力直追,要么干脆放弃 。别总是逢人就喋喋不休的表决心或者哀怨不断,做别人茶余饭后的笑点 。
What you want is either to catch up or to give up altogether. Dont always chatter about your determination or grief when you meet someone and make them laugh after dinner.
