
1、我且逍遥山水人家,闲话桑麻 。听一曲琵琶,曲终后,再无牵挂 。
I am also at ease in the mountains and rivers, gossiping about mulberry and hemp. Listen to a pipa, after the end of the song, there is no concern.
2、那些繁华哀伤终成过往,请不要失望,平凡是为了最美的荡气回肠 。
【坠入星河的温柔仙句英文】Those prosperous sorrows have come to pass, please dont be disappointed, ordinary is for the most beautiful resounding ileum.
3、罢了,那心爱的桃花我不摘了,公子我也不要了 。
Well, I dont pick the peach blossom that I love, and I dont want my son.
4、凤凰双双对,飞去飞来烟雨秋 。而如今,凤去了,凰空留 。
Phoenix pairs, flying to the rainy autumn. Now, Phoenix is gone, Phoenix stays empty.
5、人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来 。
Life is like a path. One has to create his wonderful scenery out of a wild landscape..
6、盼尔数载 , 欲寄汝书,奈何执笔之间,千语万语不知从何说起 。
Hope for several years, want to send your book, but how to write between, thousands of words do not know where to start.
7、你说,一诺共长安,任他繁华纵何堪;后来,灯火尽阑珊,再见亦是两无言 。
You said that Changan, a promise, let him flourish; later, the lights went out, and goodbye was silent.
8、为遇一人而入红尘 , 人去我亦去,此身不留尘 。
In order to meet a person and enter the world, people go to me, this body does not leave dust.
