
1、你是我这辈子唯一想娶的人,我做了那么多的努力都是为了你 。You are the only person I want to marry in my life,I have done so much for you.
2、其实 , 我真的很舍不得你我需要你,请回到我身边,好吗?Actually,I really hate you,I need you,Please come back to me,OK?
【一句话挽回爱情英文】3、不要再抱怨生气了还不好,抱我吧 , 我让你抱个够!Dont complain that its not good to be angry , Hold me,Ill let you hold me!
4、都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起 , 我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我吧 。Its all my blame. Im sorry,I wont blame any more,Please forgive me.
5、你是我纸短情长的雨季,也是我往后余生的晴空万里 。You are my short and long rainy season,and the clear sky for the rest of my life.
6、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己 。Now I miss you very much,Please take care of yourself for me.
7、我本打算告诉你所有糟糕的事,但最后,我只想告诉你我想你 。I was going to tell you all the bad things , but in the end , I just want to tell you that I miss you.
8、一颗傻傻的心,在痴痴的等着你的原谅!A silly heart,waiting for your forgiveness foolishly!
