
1、deserve后面通常接不定式 。例如:He deserves to succeed. 和 He deserves to be punished. 有时接于主动语态而在意思上是被动的动名词 。例如:The old man deserves looking after. 和 The naughty boy deserves warning.
【deserve的用法】2、deserve 后面接名词,中间不可加of,如可以说 He deserves a reward,不可说 He deserves of a reward 。但 deserving(现在分词用作adv)后面接 of 。例如:He is deserving of a reward. 和 The second point in his criticism is especially deserving of notice. (注意 is deserving 并不是进行时态 。)又 deserve well of 和 deserve ill of 两习语里都有 of 。例如:He deserves well of the people. (他有功于人民 。)和 He deserves ill of the people. (他有罪于人民 。)
