
1、五一劳动节,愿君随心所欲 , 玩得开心,做回神仙!
2、The day of May 1 arrived, and Zhu Fuxian sent it to you. 。
3、劳动最快乐,创造好生活;劳动最光荣,幸福伴终生;劳动能致富,带来美无数;劳动人民好 , 生活乐逍遥!
4、Labor is hard and fruit is sweet. Without hard work, there will be no sweet fruit. 。
5、On May 1, when the work pressure is released, the body is relaxed. 。
8、五一到 , 好事全来了,不用干活不用跑,呆在家里睡大觉!
【五一英文节日祝福语】9、Although labor is valuable, life is more valuable. Getting rich is good, but health is more important. 。
10、Labor day, I hope you are willing to clean the room for me, exercise well, and buy breakfast for me often. 。
