五一结束之后,大家的心情都是不舍的,希望能继续享受五一假期的时光,下面大家就和小编一起看看五一结束后适合发朋友圈的句子,五一结束后适合发动态的句子 。
May Day just gave me a short love
Tips: Your May Day holiday is counting down, do you want to renew it?
【五一结束后适合发朋友圈的句子 五一结束后适合发动态的句子】My five-day deadline is over
四,人生得意须尽欢 , 胡吃海喝须尽兴,被碳水包围的快乐五天
Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases, you must enjoy eating and drinking, and be happy for five days surrounded by carbohydrate
Interesting holidays, half are mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and half are self-portraits of handsome guys and beautiful women
六 , 一寸光阴一寸金,假期没了我伤心
An inch of time is an inch of gold, and I am sad without a holiday
七,世界上最远的距离不是生与死 , 而是上班后你认不出长胖的我
The farthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when you go to work, you can't recognize me who has gained weight.
I have always respected holidays, not eating less, not drinking less, not playing less
九,约定好了,不管明天你看到什么,都要对我说 , 假期你瘦了
It's agreed that no matter what you see tomorrow, you should tell me that you have lost weight during the holiday
As soon as the alarm clock is set, life from nine to six will start again
十一 , 不想工作情绪达到巅峰,暂时无法接受上班事实
I don't want to work, and I can't accept the fact of going to work for the time being
十二 , 天空很蓝,阳光很暖,假期很短
The sky is blue, the sun is warm and the holiday is short
Is the job requirement so high now? Have to be present in person?
I almost forgot that I have a class to attend
Drop! Calories have been recharged successfully during the May Day holiday
I feel that I am not suitable for work, only for vacation
十七,终于要上班了 , 放不放假无所谓,主要是我喜欢工作
I'm finally going to work. It doesn't matter whether I have a holiday or not, mainly because I like working.
十八,其实 , 我还可以在劳动几天
In fact, I can work for a few more days
1.五一只是短暂的爱了我一下 。
2.温馨提示:您的五一小长假结束倒计时,是否续费 。
3.98%的美食碎片+2%的快乐拼凑成了我的五天 。
4.五一发胖,见者有份 。
5.五一是128G的胃,因为美食,我的可爱又多了一吨 。
6.我的五日限定结束 。
7.人生得意须尽欢,胡吃海喝须尽兴,被碳水包围的快乐五天 。
8.有趣的假期,一半是山河湖海 , 还有一半是美女的自拍 。
9.生活本无趣,和有趣的人去做有趣的事,才能过得滋滋有味 。
10.五日心情是开口向上的抛物线 。
11.滴!五一假期卡路里已充值成功 。
12.我感觉我不适合上班,只适合放假 。
13.明天终于要上班了,放不放假无所谓主要是我喜欢工作 。
14.其实 , 我还可以再劳动几天...
15.日子很滚烫,又热又明亮 。
假期结束了 , 愿以后的日子你我既能朝九晚五,又能浪迹天涯 。
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