17. No two tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prioritize. Be really careful with to-do lists. 从来没有两个任务会有相同的优先级 。总会有个更重要 。请仔细考虑代办事情列表 。
18. Always know one thing you really need to get done during the day. 必须要明白你白天要真正去完成哪件事 。
“Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact” 只去做那件有着最大影响的事情 。—— Jason Cohen
19. Break tasks in to hour increments. Long tasks are hard to get into; feels like it all needs to get done. 长任务难以入手,把任务按等量时间划分 。如此一来,小任务给人感觉的是,很快就要做完了 。
【5 时间管理:我希望在20岁就知道的26条技巧】
20. Delegate and learn to make use of other people. 授权,并学会(利)用(他)人 。// 直译过来 , 虽然”利用“二字有点怪怪的,但就是这么个道理 。
“If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate!” 如果某件事其他人也可以做到八成,那这件事就可委派给其他人 。
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