痛到心碎英语句子 伤感英文说说带翻译

1. Is very sweet, very bitter, and that is love
2. 很甜、很苦,那就是爱情 。
3. It is not about me not caring - what is the difference whether I care or not
4. 有些事情不是我不在意 , 而是我在意了又能怎样 。
5. Be what you want to be, not what others want to see
6. 做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的 。
7. How many dream had, and never came into my heart
8. 多少梦幻的曾经,也不曾走进我的心 。
9. Love, there is no reason for love and without precondition tolerance
10. 爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容 。
11. Ones weakest part is that he is reluctant to give up
12. 人最软弱的地方,是舍不得 。
13. You said, love is too deep but dont let their destruction
14. 你说过,爱的太深却不要让自己沉沦 。
15. Time will give you what you want, and believe, you are worth waiting
16. 时间会给你想要的,并且请相信,你是值得等待的 。
17. It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world
18. 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易 。
19. From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get
20. 从现在起,我将不再期待 , 只珍惜我所拥有的 。
21. Old dream we had the best time of appearance
22. 梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光 。
23. You made my life,Holly,but im just one chapter in yours
24. 你完整了我的人生 , 但我却只是你人生中的过客 。
25. Friendly is accomplishment Alone is character
26. 待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格 。
27. From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile
28. 从现在开始,爱自己,享受生活并且微笑 。
29. Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good
30. 每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好 。
31. Ever of lover, now the passers-by
32. 曾经的恋人,如今的路人 。
33. I would like a switch you to use my years long stay
34. 我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 。
35. You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream
36. 你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦 。
37. I am not greed but I envy
38. 我没有贪婪 我羡慕海枯石烂 。
39. My favorite place in the entire world is right next to you
40. 整个世界,我最爱的地方就是你的左右 。
41. Wait until the first date I will forget you
42. 等到老酒过期我就忘了你 。
43. Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock
44. 幻想与理想的憧憬只能无可奈何的搁浅 。
45. I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness
46. 我要的 , 不是短暂的温柔,而是一生的守候 。
47. The distance of one bundred million stars
48. 一亿颗星星的距离 。
49. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and fight for your dreams
50. 无论你现在感觉如何 , 请起床、穿好衣服然后为你的梦想而奋斗 。
51. When you meet the right person, it is not a strong motive, but a long-term peace of mind
52. 当你遇到对的那个人,不是强烈的动心,而是长久的安心 。
53. They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can
54. 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为 。
55. To live wonderfully and enchanting at the most happy age
56. 要在最快乐的年纪活得精彩且迷人 。
57. I dont want to be your entire world, just the best thing in it
58. 我不想成为你的整个世界,只要是你世界里最美好的事物就好 。
59. You can either travel or read, and either your bodyor soul must be on the way
60. 要么旅行 , 要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上 。
61. Some scenery can only be like but can not be collected
62. 有些风景只能喜欢却不能收藏 。
63. Nothing is necessary Everything is a choice
64. 没有什么事是必须的 。每一件事都只是一个选择 。
65. Its too obvious to like you Theres no way to beat around the bush
66. 喜欢你这件事情太明显,没办法拐弯抹角 。
67. I want to cry, but my pride told me not to
68. 我想哭泣 , 可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以 。
69. People did not forget not to drop, only dont want to forget
70. 没有忘记不掉的人,只有不愿意忘记的人 。
71. Im just folkI have mood swings
72. 我只是个平凡人 , 我也有我的小情绪 。
73. Wear masks to kill the world! See you with tenderness
74. 带上面具杀戮天下!看见你满目柔情
75. I always miss you like a darling,my boy
76. 我会像想念爱人一样思念你,我的少年 。
77. There are hundreds of heart acids,and silence is the worst
78. 心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过 。
79. Feelings can be controlled,but tear snever lie
80. 情绪可以控制,但眼泪不会撒谎 。
81. Feeling so faithless,lost under the surface
82. 苍白的伪装下,是信仰沦失的灵魂 。
83. Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad
84. 假装微笑比解释为何伤心简单多了 。
85. I have always loved you,but you do not know
86. 我一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已 。
87. The words I love you, lost in the unease
88. 那句我爱你,遗失在流年里 。
89. As time goes by ,you will grow to like him
90. 随着时间的流逝,你会逐渐喜欢上他 。
91. The word love is too beautiful, but it is too sad in practice
92. 相爱这词太漂亮 , 实践起来太心酸 。
93. I do not know what to say no more
94. 我再也不知道该说什么了 。
95. The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you
96. 月亮不抱你 , 时光摧毁你,可我爱你 。
97. I hope you always find a reason to smile
98. 我希望你永远都能找到让自己微笑的理由 。
99. Because loved a crazy, so see you still smiling silence
100.因为曾经爱过一场疯狂,所以看你依旧笑着沉默 。
101.I am not a princess, can not enjoy you love
102.我不是公主,享受不了你王子的爱 。
103.Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just
104.最后转眼流逝的 绝不仅仅是时光而已 。
105.May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset
106.愿你的生命中有足够的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏 。
107.If we are meant to meet again, then we will meet again
108.如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见 。
109.I dont care about the future, I just want to come with you now
110.我才不在乎未来,我只想现在和你在一起 。
111.Want to hold on to the wind,and want to hold you
112.想拥住风 , 想握住你 。
113.I love a happy ending, for they are so rare
114.我喜欢完美收尾,因为它们如此难得 。
115.Sadness into the river upstream, I for who the desperate
116.悲伤逆流成河,我为谁而不顾一切 。
117.Im not as strong as you think , but I cant find the place where the weak can rest
118.我没有想象的坚强,但却找不到让懦弱休息的地方 。
119.Im a little used to calling outside your name
120.我已经习惯了在窗外呼喊你的名字 。
121.Time is a big glass containers, anything can be it without reserve to receive
122.时间是个盛大的玻璃容器,任何事情都可以被它毫无保留的收纳 。
123.I want to get to know you again from your name
124.想和你重新认识一次,从你的名字开始 。
125.Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling
126.有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉 。
127.Heart pain is not fixed
129.Eyes not to tears
131.Like a lonely patients
133.Down enough to let go
135.Aching fatal but you are life
137.I have given up to give up
138.我已经放弃了放弃 。
139.Dont need alms love sister
141.Be us against the world
143.Time and love never grow old
145. I apply to get into your life
146. 我申请,加入你的人生 。
147.Chase your dreams or let them go
148.或执于你梦,或坦然放手 。
149.Hope that you are well on your heart
151.I would have been,even if all pale
152.我会一直在,纵使一切苍白 。
153.Never mind,Ill find someone like you
155.You show me what is deep as sea
157.Delay is the deadliest form of denial
159.To unmb the pain to laugh off my
160.痛到麻木 才能笑的畅快淋漓
161.Youll never take my pride
162.你永远没办法夺走我的傲气 。
163.Do not let dream just be your dream
164.别让梦想只停留在梦里 。
165.You are sunshine,Is my distantlight
166.你是我的太阳遥不可及的光 。
167.He misses her, but he missed her
168.错过只在一瞬 思念却是一世
169.Victory belongs to the most persevering
170.坚持必将成功 。
171.I wish I love without injury a long life
173.I missed a lot of It left a bitch
174.我错过了很多 。却留下了贱货 。
175.Nobody could ever replace you
176.从来就没有人能代替的了你 。
177.As a god ,you must see this
179.Time cut scar is called growth
181.Dont be so hard on yourself
182.别对自己太苛刻了 。
183.ithout you I cried as a smile
184.没了你我把哭当成了笑 。
185.Life is a beautiful struggle
187.Tough life needs no explanation
189.One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory
190.想要得到幸福的关键之一就是你要学会健忘 。
191.Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness
192.悲伤已经够难受了, 更何况是隐藏悲伤 。
193.Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past
194.我怀念的不是哪个人 , 而是我那回不去的曾经 。
195.Keep Me In Your Memory, Leave Out All The Rest
196.把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的 。
197.You Cant Buy Love But You Pay Heavily For It
198.爱,钱买不到它,却会狠狠的为它买单 。
199.Love Is a Dashed Line, We In Different Paragraph
200.爱情是一条虚线 , 我们在不同的段落 。
201.Time always save the best for last
202.时间总是把最好的人留到最后 。
203.The time that you are my most fatal
204.时光深知你是我最致命的爱人 。
205.I want someone whos afraid of losing me
206.我希望找到一个担心失去我的人 。
207.Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow
208.苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞 。
209.There is no one like me, miss should not miss
210.有没有人像我一样 , 思念不该思念的人
211.A ray of sunshine, outline for you my all memory
212.一缕阳光 , 勾勒出我对你所有的记忆 。
213.The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person
214.世上最短的咒语,是一个人的名字 。
215.Disappear a memory And leaving is unforgettable memories
216.消失的是记忆 。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆 。
217.I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own
218.我只是怀念曾经 , 却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己
219.If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to
220.人生若只如初见,我又何苦如此依恋 。
221.I kind of redundant, will be redundant to become your excess
222.我是怎样的多余,才会多余到变成你的多余 。
223.When likes arriving in the earth, has blown off the sad memory
224.当爱重新降临在大地,吹散了悲伤的记忆 。
225.The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company
226.泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴 。
227.You are not me, you dont know my loneliness, itas after
228.你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞 , 就当作是经过 。
229.Disappear a Memory And Leaving Is Unforgettable Memories
230.消失的是记忆 。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆 。
231.Time is like a kaleidoscope, let your eyes lost direction
232.时光就像个万花筒,让你的眼睛丢失方向 。
233.sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom
234.有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放 。
235.This is I left countless journey countless sad, sad
236.这是我走了无数次的旅途,难过了无数次的难过 。
237.Love is not all luckily, all are not the love luckily
238.幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情 。
239.Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing Me
240.我也想有个人会害怕失去我,哪怕只有一次 。
241.You are not me, you dont know my loneliness, itas after
242.你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就当作是经过 。
243.Every boring hour in life is unique
244.在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版 。
245.Sometimes goodbye is the only way
246.有的时候说再见是唯一的一条路 。
247.The sun dried the tears I miss you
248.阳光擦干了我思念你的泪水 。
249.All lives end,all hearts are broken 。
250.生命都会终结,徒留一颗破碎的心 。
251.I love your heart is not your face
252.我爱的是你的心不是你的脸 。
253.Without you I cried as a smile
254.没了你我把哭当成了笑 。
255.He now only live in my memory
256.他如今只活在我的记忆里 。
257.I want to be your sun around you
258.我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁 。
259.Who never had a scar of youth
260.谁的青春不曾有过伤痕 。
261.Time does not dye,Memories do not light
262.时光不染,回忆不淡 。
263.Life is a beautiful struggle
264.生命其实是一场美丽的挣扎 。
265.Get out of my world, you never know
266.滚出我的世界从来都没有认识你 。
267.We pass the time, or time passed us
269.No one even lives lost nor will I lose 。
270.会不会有人, 就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉 。
271.I can spoil you also can change for you
272.我可以惯着你 也可以换了你 。
273.One who frequently looks back can nit go far
274.一个频频回头的人 , 是走不了远路的 。
275.Tears are the words which the heart cant say
276.眼泪是心无法诉说的话语 。
277.Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze
278.很需要你 就像蒲公英需要微风 。
279.Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had
280.回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过 。
281.My temper off a lot of people but the most people really
282.我的脾气赶走了很多人但留下了最真的人 。
283.Dont hold me to when you are the only audience
284.不要憋着我可以当你唯一的听众 。
285.Do not say you love me, unless you really mean it
286.请不要轻易说爱我 , 除非你是认真的 。
287.A ray of sunshine, outline for you my all memory
289.Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why
290.因为喜欢 , 所以情愿,没有那么多为什么 。
291.Can let me forget about the past, he is my future
293.Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret
294.带着希望向前看 , 而不是带着悔恨退缩 。
295.Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good
296.哭过了就好了,你都会走的 , 伤也会好的 。
297.I dont work hard, how to proved how blind your eyes
298.我不努力,怎么证明当初你的眼睛有多瞎 。
299.I wish that we embrace the moment is a long shot
300.我多希望我们相拥的那一刻是个长镜头 。
301.You are sunshine,Is my distantlight
302.你是我的太阳 , 是我遥不可及的光 。
303.My wasted heart will love you
304.我荒废的心会一直爱你 。
305.Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
306.当你身处冰天雪地,你才懂得太阳的温暖 。
307.I want to feel safe in a relationship with someone I like
308.好想安全感爆棚地谈一次恋爱,和我喜欢的人 。
309.The rest of your life is still long
310.余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照 。
311.When Im sad,I really want to hide in your arms
312.难过的时候,好想去你的怀抱里躲一躲 。
313.My feeling is more important than the truth I hope you understand
314.自己的感受,比道理重要,希望你懂 。
315.Sometimes, I feel like a little girl who needs protection
316.有时候,我觉得自己跟个小女孩似的,渴望有人保护 。
317.Love, or love, all love each other
318.爱,或者被爱,都不如相爱 。
319.Mention you again,Its already a family name
320.再次提起你,已是连名带姓 。
321.At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
322.当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人 。
323.Real girls arent perfect Perfect girls arent real
324.真实的女孩不完美,完美的女孩不真实 。
325.Time heals almost everything Give time time
326.时间几乎会愈合所有事情 。请给时间一点时间 。
327.Like the wind dunk as pain memories were blown, but love is in imperceptible in the cold
328.像风灌进回忆一样痛被吹散 ,爱却在不知不觉中着了凉 。
329.Wish my smile clear off the sky of all days
330.希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天 。
331.Life is your own, please dress up and be lovely as much as you like
332.生活是自己的 , 尽情打扮,尽情可爱 。
333.Life is too short to meet the people you like
334.一生太短暂,遇到喜欢的人就要认真喜欢 。
335.Love is actually very simple, as long as a hand in hand is a lifetime 。
336.爱情其实很简单,只要一牵手就是一辈子 。
337.There was no one ahead I didnt know who to run to
338.前面没有人,我不知道要跑着迎接谁 。
339.Appreciate what you HAVE before it becomes what you HAD
340.欣赏你所拥有的,在他们变成曾经拥有前 。
341.Dont let yourself down Its not easy to get here
342.别辜负自己,走到今天真的不容易 。
343.The scenery is in your eyes, the world is not as good as yours
344.风光尽在你眼底,天地不如你怀里 。
345.Butterflies break for flowers, but flowers fly in the wind!
347.Your cup will never be empty for i will be your wine
348.你的杯将永不干涸,因为我将是你幸福的源泉 。
349.When youre happy, you enjoy the music And when youre sad, you understand the lyrics
350.快乐的时候,你听的是音乐 。难过的时候,你开始懂得了歌词 。
351.As time goes by ,you will grow to like him
352.随着时间的流逝,你会逐渐喜欢上他 。
353.The word love is too beautiful, but it is too sad in practice
354.相爱这词太漂亮,实践起来太心酸 。
355.I do not know what to say no more
356.我再也不知道该说什么了 。
357.All love is secret, all soulful only for you
358.所有深爱都是秘密,所有深情都只为你 。
359.It is universally ackonwledged that you are indispensible to me
360.全世界都知道你是我的不可或缺 。
361.I hope everything Ive fought for will turn out to be what I want
362.希望我所拼命争取的 , 最后都能如我所愿 。
363.Reason tells you to do something new and encourage you to fight for the last time
364.理智告诉你多此一举 情感怂恿你最后一搏 。
365.The one you can talk to,and he can talk to other people, too
366.跟你聊得来的那个人,跟其他人也聊得来 。
367.I cant give you too much, but there is a word called Do everything within my ability
368.我给不了你太多,但有个词叫 尽我所能 。
369.Happiness, never shortcut, also not perfect, only to run, only by the heart
370.幸福,从没捷径,也没有完美无瑕,只有经营,只靠真心 。
371.Your heart is the city that I can never touch
372.你的心是我永远触摸不到的城 。
373.Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship
374.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱 , 单身反而更好 。
375.Hope the next relationship, like with the appropriate can bump
376.希望下一段感情,喜欢跟合适能撞个满怀 。
377.The little girl was unable to talk with her husbandAll affection is in saying good night
378.小女子不才 没能与先生谈笑风生 所有爱慕之意 尽在一句晚安之中 。
379.Dont be eye candy, be soul food
380.不要做养眼的糖果,做灵魂的食粮 。
381.Im the only one who can company with you to the end of life
382.除了我,每个人都不适合与你白头到老 。
383.Best today,Dont talk about the days ahead
384.如今最好,别说来日方长 。
385.You are my oath not pain, I am your not essential memory
386.你是我不敢宣誓的疼痛 , 我是你可有可无的记忆 。
387.If you dont let me go, I will love you forever
388.只要你不放手,我就可以爱你很久很久 。
389.I dont want to be the first oneI want to be the only one
390.我不想做第一个,我只想做唯一 。
391.Many people do not need good-bye, because of just going by
392.很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已 。
393.I seem to have been giving up on him,He seemed to be waiting for him all the time
394.我好像一直都在放弃他,又好像一直都在等他 。
395.Write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year
396.要记?。?每天都是每年中最好的日子 。
397.Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves
398.有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己 。
399.Enjoy the challenge, its making you better!
400.享受每一次挑战,你会因此变得更优秀 。
401.When you held out your hand to me, I almost thought I could walk with you all my life
402.你朝我伸出手的时候,我差点误以为,这一生都可以跟你走 。
403.Is not there is not I love the person but not in
404.是非地里有是非人 , 物是人非里最喜欢的人却不在 。
405.The sea is the upside down sky, you are my only weakness
406.海是倒过来的天 , 你是我唯一的弱点 。
407.I know you have been, like I never left
408.我知道你一直在 , 就像我从未离开 。
409.All the things in this world are long-lasting, because of their intentions
410.这世上所有的久处不厌 , 都是因为用心 。
411.The years are longYou are unforgetable
412.岁月好漫长,你也好难忘 。
413.Gentle to have, but not compromise, in quiet, unhurried strong
414.温柔要有,但不是妥协,在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强 。
415.The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you
416.月亮不抱你 , 时光摧毁你,可我爱你 。
417.I hope you always find a reason to smile
418.我希望你永远都能找到让自己微笑的理由 。
419.Time forget me, or I forgot to follow, a turn around, is a lifetime
420.时间忘了等我,还是我忘了跟着走 ,一转身,便是一辈子 。
421.I have become reconcile to failure
422.我已甘心失败了 。
423.The word love is too beautiful, but it is too sad in practice
424.相爱这词太漂亮 , 实践起来太心酸 。
425.I wish I knew how to quit you
426.我想知道我该如何戒掉你 。
427.The end of the summer, the who Memory such as a line, who stumbled
428.那年夏末,负了谁 。记忆如线,绊了谁 。
429.Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever
430.是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远 。
431.You are the reason why I became strongerBut still,you are my weakness
432.因为你 , 我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤 。
433.You cant go back Thats growth
434.回不去了,这就是成长 。
435.There has old wind,old trees and old road,but except the old you
【痛到心碎英语句子 伤感英文说说带翻译】436.旧的风,旧的树,旧的路 , 只是唯独没有旧的你 。
437.Without your betrayal, how will I have now decadent
438.没有你的背叛,我又怎么会有现在的颓废 。
439.If it is not me had changed appearance, but you had forgetten the time
440.若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光 。
441.You said a lifetime, but stay for a while
442.你说的一辈子、却呆了一阵子 。
443.No longer afraid of loneliness, but also enjoy the company of others
444.不再畏惧孤独 , 也享受有人相伴 。
445.Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
446.当你身处冰天雪地 , 你才懂得太阳的温暖 。
447.I want to feel safe in a relationship with someone I like
448.好想安全感爆棚地谈一次恋爱,和我喜欢的人 。
449.The rest of your life is still long
450.余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照 。
451.Butterflies break for flowers, but flowers fly in the wind!
452.蝴蝶为花碎 , 花却随风飞!
453.The years are not dead, the beginners mind will not change, I still
454.岁月不枯,初心不死 , 我仍依旧 。
455.The only good luck in my life is to meet you
456.这辈子唯一的好运全部用来遇见你 。
457.To lose the original self, nor to see us once, this is the reality
458.丢了最初的自己 , 也不见了曾经的我们,这就是现实 。
459.Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
460.当你身处冰天雪地 , 你才懂得太阳的温暖 。
461.I want to feel safe in a relationship with someone I like
462.好想安全感爆棚地谈一次恋爱,和我喜欢的人 。
463.The rest of your life is still long
464.余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照 。
465.Butterflies break for flowers, but flowers fly in the wind!
466.蝴蝶为花碎 , 花却随风飞!
467.Youve got a smile that could light up this whole city
468.你的笑容 , 点亮了整座城市 。
469.I will start fresh, be some one new
470.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己 。
471.Want to live well, also want to love a person well
472.想好好生活,也想好好爱一个人 。
473.I want to break through this piece of beauty, to find the unparalleled like heaven
474.我要闯这片绮丽,寻找像天堂般的无与伦比 。
475.Work on it quietly Thats what you need to aim for right now
476.悄悄地去努力吧,这才是你现在需要当作目标的事 。
477.The most eternal happiness is the ordinary, the longest possession is cherished
478.最永恒的幸福是平凡 , 最长久的拥有是珍惜 。
479.Each with his own way of life,those are the right answers
480.各有各的活法,那些都是正确答案 。
481.Hope is fire, disappointment is smoke, and life is smoke as it burns
482.希望是火,失望是烟,生活就是一边点火,一边冒烟 。
483.Theres always a bit of something hidden when you say nothing
484.每次当你说没事的时候,心里多少都藏着点事 。
485.Rejoicing in hope,patient in tribulation
486.从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧 。
487.You never know how I feel holding my phone waiting for you
488.你永远不知道我抱着手机等你的感觉 。
489.The most beautiful meeting is not to say the past
490.最美的相遇,不言过往 。
491.Maybe some people are really good for some time
492.或许换个时间,有些人真的很合适 。
493.No longer afraid of loneliness, but also enjoy the company of others
494.不再畏惧孤独,也享受有人相伴 。
495.Ive loved you for a long time I still like you
496.我喜欢你已久,我喜欢你依旧 。
497.May all the waiting, all not be let down
498.愿所有的等待,都不被辜负 。

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