
用英语介绍教师节September 10th is Teachers Day in China. In modern and contemporary Chinese history, Teachers Day has been celebrated on different dates for many times. It was not until January 1985 that the day was designated as Teachers Day. The date of Teachers Day is set at the beginning of the school year to improve teachers and students enthusiasm for their work and provide a good start to teaching and learning. On this day, students express their thanks to teachers through greeting cards and other ways.
9月10日是我国的教师节 。在近现代史上,多次以不同的日期作为教师节 。直到1985年1月才将这一天定为教师节 。教师节的日期定在学年开始 , 是为了提高教师和学生对他们的工作积极性 , 提供一个良好的开端教学和学习 。在这一天学生会通过贺卡等方式表达对老师的感谢 。
