
1、节约用水 , 浪费可耻 。
Save water, waste of shame.
2、惜水爱水节水,从我做起 。
Cherish water love water saving, starts from me.
3、今天不节水 , 明天无泪流 。
Today does not water, no tears tomorrow.
4、珍惜水就是珍惜您的生命 。
Treasure the water is to cherish your life.
Saving water is glorious, waste water shameful!
6、滴水即生命,请珍惜水资源 。
Water is life, please cherish water resources.
7、惜水、爱水、节水,从我做起 。
Cherish water, love the water, water saving, starts from me.
8、浪费用水可耻,节约用水光荣 。
Shame on waste water, saving water is glorious.
9、不要让流失的水成为后人的泪 。
Don't let the loss of water became the posterity of tears.
10、节约一滴清水,还原一片绿地 。
【有关节约用水的英语名言警句】A drop of water saving, reduction of a piece of green space.
